This image will become few and far between in Coronado!
The Sunday bus eliminations that have already been made with 901/904 routes along with the current 6 bus stop removal “study” is only the beginning of transit cuts in Coronado…..
UNLESS WE SPEAK OUT and demand OUR councilmembers to work on OUR behalf.
I have been talking with so many people over the past few weeks about this issue and I continue to hear the same type of comments.
- Shouldn’t we be increasing ridership for our future?
- Riding the bus helps traffic congestion and pollution.
- I loved living here because it is so easy to get around without a car.
- I enjoy taking the bus to San Diego too.
- Seniors and Disabled people are being denied access to needed transportation already on Sundays, now they want to start taking away bus stops?
- Most of us don’t live on Orange Avenue, so we are already walking several blocks each way.
- Coronado can not be compared to any other city. We don’t have alternative bus routes on adjacent streets to serve riders.
I need everyone’s help to SPEAK OUT, educate your neighbors and friends about this issue. Write a letter and email to [email protected]. Councilwoman Barbara Denny is our ONLY advocate for public transportation on the Coronado city council. You can also post your letter on AND email it to [email protected] to be included in the Eagle Journal newspaper!
Thank you!