Monday, March 10, 2025

Bus Stops on Orange Avenue

On Tuesday, July 20, 2010, the City Council discussed an item titled, “DIRECTION TO STAFF REGARDING POSSIBLE INVESTIGATION OF BUS STOP CONSOLIDATION ALONG ORANGE AVENUE.” City Staff asked the City Council for direction about whether they should continue working with MTS (the group that runs our public buses) to investigate the idea of consolidating the number of bus stops on Orange Avenue.

The City Council voted 4-1 to allow our staff to continue to analyze whether or not bus stop consolidation would improve our bus service in Coronado. It is important to note that the council’s decision was to allow staff to continue this analysis in conjunction with MTS. This vote did not authorize a removal of bus stops because more work needs to be done to see if this would be beneficial or not.

It was noted in our staff report that the desired distance between bus stops, according to MTS, “is between 750 and 1,000 feet” while the average distance between stops in Coronado is 500 feet and the greatest distance between any two in Coronado is 675 feet. It was also noted that an 80 foot bus stop could be turned into four parking spaces. Thus, the question that our staff will be looking into, with the cooperation of MTS, is whether or not so many bus stops are needed. It is worth investigating because the removal of an unused bus stop could result in fewer stops and a quicker bus transit. Part of staff’s work will be talking with local business near these bus stops along with bus users to determine their preferences.

It is unknown at this time if removing a stop or two will improve bus service. A more detailed analysis of the data and talks with users should give us a better idea about the effectiveness or the lack thereof of having bus stops in 500 foot intervals here on Orange Avenue. The possible ancillary benefit of more parking in our commercial district is also something that should make anyone who visits Orange Avenue happy to hear.

Final action will not be taken until more analysis is done. If the results are inconclusive, it is reasonable to assume that no action will be taken by the council regarding bus stop consolidation.

If you want to read this staff report for your self and reach your own conclusion, you can do so by going to the following link:
Then, right click and save on the pdf file at the top titled: “07/20/2010 City Council & CDA Complete Agenda”
This file is large and will take about a minute to download. The pertinent information starts at page 267.

As Barbara Denny states in her posting on eCoronado, your comments are helpful and welcome as part of this process. I am delighted to see so many people contributing their thoughts in just a day’s time.


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