October 20-24 * 3 traffic collisions * 2 locked bikes stolen (both were locked and the cables were cut) * 1 car stolen Arrests * 10/20: Male 20 years old petty theft where suspect took a case of beer from Ave. Liquor with disorderly conduct due to alcohol. (arrest made on 800 block of 10th St.)10/20: Male 65 years old had outstanding warrant (200 Prospect Pl.)10/21: Male 48 years old DUI due to alcohol/drugs (2000 SR-75)10/23: Male 20 years old DUI alcohol/drugs (1000 block Orange Ave.)10/23: Male 23 years old put in drunk protective custody (1000 Isabella)10/24: Male 35 years old DUI alcohol/drugs .08% misdemeanor (Rendova Circle)10/25: Male 27 years old DUI alcohol/drugs (Palm Ave.)10/25: Female 29 years old DUI alcohol/drugs (1000 Loma Ave.) Crime * 10/15-10/19: Male 48 years old entered backyard of house under construction through unlocked security fence and took a table saw ($1400) (600 B Ave.) * 10/19-10/21: Burglary where victim reported that unknown female walked into her residence on Ave. Del Mundo and stole 2 rings from her living room table. * 10/20-10/21: vandalism where unknown subject smashed front passenger window of victim’s residence between 6-10pm (600 block H Ave.) * 10/23: Burglary where unknown suspect entered victim’s locked vessel in unknown manner and took generator and bilge ($200) (500 Grand Caribe) * 10/24: Burglary 1st degree where unknown suspect entered victim’s unlocked apartment room and took $4010/22: Grand theft where suspect attempted to remove Apple laptop ($1600) from NAS NEX without paying.
Coronado Police Blotter (October 20-24, 2009)
1 min.
Thanks to the City of Coronado Police Department for providing eCoronado.com with the below information (partial list):

Coronado Times Staff
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