Sunday, March 9, 2025

A Tribute to a Local Hero: My Father

Harold L. Whitmire, 76, passed away on September 14, 2009. And integral part of the San Diego South Bay, Hal was an Advanced Research and Design Aerospace Engineer at Rohr Industries for 37 years, pioneering nacelle technology still used today…as a result, his legacy remains. Hal and his wife, Trudi were also fixtures at Metro League basketball games for 35 years. If you played high school basketball anytime from the mid 1970s until a few years ago, he would have most likely seen you play. If you went to Chula Vista High School, he would probably even remember your name and how many points you usually scored. His commitment to community support after retirement could usually be seen in a smile while on his bicycle, friendly neighborly advice on golf or cars, or any sort of general help he could offer to anyone who needed it along the way. To him, there was no such thing as class distinction, all people were important. His hobbies included biking, fishing, building model airplanes, and in his earlier years, playing golf, tennis, basketball, and waterskiing. His sense of humor always present, his courage and spirit will live on forever in those who knew him. I know, because I am his daughter.


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