SAN CLEMENTE ISLAND, Calif., — The same year Billy Mills began working on San Clemente Island astronaut Neil Armstrong made his famous lunar walk and President Richard Nixon was sworn into office. Four decades and seven presidents later, San Clemente Island has seen many changes but Mills is not one of them. Mills was recognized Oct. 7 by the Sailors and employees of Naval Auxiliary Landing Field, San Clemente Island (NALF SCI) for his 40 years of Civil Service on the island. The festivities included a softball tournament, more than 300 pounds of cooked chicken and spareribs and a live band. The highlight of the event was the proclamation of October 7th as Billy Mills day and a key to the island presentation. NALF SCI, one of eight naval installations under the command of Naval Base Coronado, is the Navy’s only remaining live fire range. Although it is considered shore duty, many of the island’s employees equate working there to life on a ship. The island is located nearly 70 nautical miles off the coast of San Diego. “This is the greatest place that I have ever been,” said Mills. “Where else can you get paid to have beachfront property right outside your door?” Mills has spent most of his years on the island as the Material Handler Supervisor overseeing the supply barge movements from the main land. Mills said he stayed on San Clemente because of the family atmosphere. “I have become attached to the island,” said Mills. “It is very much like a family environment, people take care of each other out here.” A Bellwood, Ala., native, he moved to California in 1967. In addition to his Civil Service, Mills spent four years on active duty and 26 years reserve duty in the Air Force. The island Officer-in-Charge, Cdr. Geoffrey Herb commended Mills’ loyalty. “It takes a unique individual to work on a remote location and have the ability to overcome so many challenges,” explained Herb. “(Mills) is instrumental to the logistical support for the island but not only that, he is so heavily involved in other areas particularly with the morale. He started basketball and softball leagues. He is the brainchild behind these activities,” Herb added. So much so that the island’s softball fields are named in Mills’ honor. It is also his community spirit that earned him the title of ‘The Mayor of San Clemente’. “Billy Mills is a very hard working and down to Earth person,” said Yeoman 3rd Class Timothy Puzan. “I’ve known Billy for about a year and a half and it’s easy to see why he is well liked by everyone. He brings a sense of well being and a confidence to this isolated island and everybody knows that he is the backbone to this island.” Puzan spearheaded the planning for the celebration. “After about 2 months of planning everything went through without a hitch,” added Puzan. “I feel fortunate to be the officer-in-charge during his 40th year celebration,” Herb said. Mills said he plans on working on the island until he retires. “Years don’t mean anything to me; I don’t even count them anymore,” he added.
SCI Celebrates Employee’s 40 Years of Service
2 min.
MC1 (SW) Ryan Valverde Naval Base Coronado Public Affairs Office (619) 545-8167 #### By Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class (SW) Ryan Valverde, Naval Base Coronado Public Affairs Office

Coronado Times Staff
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