Sunday, March 9, 2025

Coronado Cays Planned Community – Unplanned???

CAYS CORNER by: Ella Croshier CORONADO CAYS – UNPLANNED COMMUNITY ??? You bet it is and a few years down the pike you won’t recognize there ever was a plan. You will begin to see expansions maximizing all possible space available on zero lot line homes. The Character and charm of these villages will be gone. DENSITY will have increased many more times than that in the city of Coronado. These radical changes unheard of in a planned community will mean a loss in value of your home while developers buy up homes for sale to maximize their size and sell them for a profit. That’s what developers do. Did you buy your home to be in the middle of a construction zone? Think about it because that’s what’s going on. I bought my home in the Cays over 30 years ago and my deed stated I was buying into a Planned Community Development governed by CCR’s (Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions). That I automatically became a member of a nonprofit Corporation entitled to one vote in the Association. I read the CCR’S and understood the zero lot line homes wouldn’t be expanded. Whether you live in a zero lot line home or not, any construction changes in a Planned Community affects you and your way of life. As a Real Estate Professional I understood the governing documents promised me Certain rights and protections to assure the Community I bought into would remain as it was except for minor changes and for many years that was the case. But it all changed due to a monumental plan hatched about 10 years ago to permit expansions on zero lot line homes not otherwise allowed. This affects 5 out of 10 villages in the Cays. This whole scheme came about supposedly because some homeowners expressed a desire to the HOA Board to expand their zero lot line homes. Instead of advising them it was against the rules, the game plan began. The HOA Board of Directors and the City of Coronado conspired to find a way to circumvent the governing documents to make that possible. Amending Governing documents at that time required 75% yes votes from the membership and they knew that had no chance to pass. The plan required eliminating the SUP (Special Use Permit) and creating a Specific Plan Ordinance without the vote of the membership. Inquiring homeowners were advised it was to eliminate unnecessary language beneficial only to the developer during the development stages and to make it easier for people who work with it on a daily basis. Of course that was a lie and the real reason was to expand those zero lot line homes. Changes to the SUP required a court order. Changing an ordinance could be done by request. Big difference. Homeowners objected to their Board of Directors and was told it was a city ordinance go to the city. The city would tell them it’s an HOA issue take it to them. I believe that’s a prime example of the run around. They succeeded in eliminating the SUP and creating the Specific Plan Ordinance But the language remained the same, no expansions on zero lot line homes except only on the first floor and only within the outermost walls as constructed by the developer. When the city was confronted with these violations they had no place to hide so they trumped up a phony excuse that the language was not clear. They insisted on changing the rules to fit the crime and continued to violate the ordinance. How unethical is that? The language and intent was clear they simply went along with the CCHOA BOD who had previously approved the expansions. Two wrongs don’t make a right. Thursday July 23rd Regular HOA meeting found the HOA Board ready to adopt yet another resolution to eliminate another provision in the Specific Plan Ordinance that prevents second story additions in Mardi Gras zero lot line condos. They had not had the required member hearing and when it was brought to their attention they postponed the meeting until Sept. 24,2009 at which time regardless of any protests they will adopt the rule as planned. Even so, each and every homeowner whether in that village or not should attend this meeting and object to violating the governing documents and the city ordinance. If the HOA Board of Directors have determined the Cays is no longer a planned community don’t they owe members the courtesy to let them know how they gave themselves the power to speak for every member without their vote? Don’t you think they should be able to tell you why they took it upon themselves to make such a determination? If members no longer have the rights promised to them in their deeds and governing documents why would they want to continue paying dues to support a Board of Directors and their hired general manager? Those are my thoughts. What’s yours?


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