Saturday, March 8, 2025

150 Years ???… Where is the Crime?

Can some erudite soul, please tell me what is Bernie Madoff’s crime? He promised people a steady 10% return on their money, and paid old timers off with money from the young ones. Yo ! our Government is doing the same thing and paying only 6% on the long bond. Is there really any difference? Bernanke et. al. do not promise a risk free guaranteed investment, neither did Bernie Madoff. Bernie goes to jail Bernanke get a nice Federal retirement. Why the difference? Do we have one set of laws for the government and one for the people…..In the land of/by/for the people? The sad truth is that our kids will be presented the bill for our fraud, just as Bernie’s investors were given theirs. I don’t think our kids will appreciate any of these esoteric differences. They will hold Bernie, and Bernanke and us all equally in contempt.


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