Sunday, March 9, 2025

New Cancer Cure ..or.. New Bio WMD ??

Coronadans This “Port a Potty” has been sitting on this abandoned construction site on F Ave for more than a year. 365+ days of warm sunshine.. 365+ cool nights. Assuming the construction workers took a dump before leaving the site, I shudder to think what has been growing inside that potty for a year. Either a new bio WMD or a cure for cancer. I leave it to you to to do the wagering. Let us hope that since school is out, some inquisitive kid does not wander in there with tragic consequences. I am sure the city would have no difficulty in finding this to be a code violation. Coronado needs to develop a comprehensive policy regarding abandoned construction lots; which is the Mayor’s and the council’s and the other elected officials’ bailiwick.


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