Christmas in CDM

Me, my Dad, my brother Dave.

Coronado Hosts Southwestern Lacrosse Conference Championship April 24th – 26th, 2009

APRIL 24th - 26th, 2009 WHO WILL BE CROWNED THE FIRST SLC DIVISIONAL CHAMPION? More details here. 6 Division I Teams 4...

Tunnel Waste

Personally, think the tunnel project is a waste of time and money. Admit that I am not the expert on such a project, but...

Tolls on the Bridge

Coronado has been receiving a lot of media coverage about the possibility of reinstating tolls. There have been reports about possible "$10 Tolls" and...

Coronado council discusses bridge-toll study

Coronado Mayor Casey Tanaka said today that any possible toll on the San Diego-Coronado Bridge should consider carpool incentives, be collected only on one...

Coronado Police Blotter (April 15-21, 2009)

Thanks to the City of Coronado Police Department for providing with the below information (partial list): Police blotter (April 15-21)...

(042109) Coronado Special Election Video Interviews

To find your polling place for the Coronado vote, click here. interviewed the three candidates that are running for the single open...