Steps are being taken to replace a beach stairway in Coronado

THE PROBLEM: When Sheila Corzine first noticed CAUTION tape around a hazardous section of stairs at the Shores Beach in Coronado early this year,...

Last Spreckels Park Concert of 2009 – SophistiCats (5pm)

Sunday, 9-13-09 Note: Starting time is at 5pm. Spreckels Park (Corner of 6th and Orange) The feline frenzy of far out...

Mills Act process for historic homes comes under review

CORONADO — Changes to the way Coronado approves historic homes for a state preservation program are on the way. The state Mills Act...





Coronado Solar Community Seminar Taking Place SATURDAY, September 12th

Phase II of Coronado Solar Community Discount Program Announcement this Saturday in the Sand Dollar Room (Community Center) Phase I of the Coronado...

9-11 Tribute Service on 9-11-09

The Coronado Fire Department will host a 9-11 tribute at 6am on 9-11-09. Anyone may attend. Coronado Fire Department 1001 Sixth Street Coronado,...

My First Coronado Optimist Club Experience

This morning, I had the pleasure of attending my first Coronado Optimist Club meeting. Mark Blumenthal was nice enough to invite me...