Obama at the Crossroads (091509) by J. F. Kelly, Jr.
A commentary by J. F. Kelly, Jr. September is upon us and President Barack Obama finds himself up to his hips in problems,...
Tunnel Vision
The Coronado Tunnel Commission met on September 10 to discuss the next step in their proposal to build a 1.4-mile underground tunnel that would...
Installation of energy efficient LED lighting in Coronado’s Discover Wellness center
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CORONADO, CA: Featherstone, Inc. completed the installation of their LUXstar fluorescent tube replacement product for the Discover Wellness center on...
Coronado Road Opens After Main Break
CORONADO, Calif. -- A main road through Coronado was reopened early Monday, about 12 hours after a water main rupture caused a sinkhole, authorities...
Coronado Playhouse Presents Free Night of Theatre
Coronado Playhouse presents William Shakespeare's Hamlet, currently running through Oct. 4 as part of its 13th Annual Free Shakespeare. This production is adapted and...
CHS Pool / BBMAC President’s Update 09-13-09
Hello to all the supporters of BBMAC, At their regular September 10, 2009 meeting, The Coronado Unified School District Governing board unanimously endorsed...
Sinkhole develops on Coronado’s Orange Ave.
CORONADO (CNS) - Traffic on the main road through Coronado was diverted Sunday when a sinkhole developed, a police dispatcher said. The sinkhole...
Interview with Coronado Car Wash Owner (Leon)
Leon gives eCoronado.com the overview of his car wash business. Each car gets a hand pre-wash, then automatic wash and then a hand dry....
Car Wash Business on Coronado Island
There is a great place on the island to wash your car. At 150 C Avenue you can stay in your car while the...
You’ll like it ‘Hot’ at Del Coronado
It's not like you need an excuse to head to the legendary Hotel Del Coronado, but here's one especially for movie buffs Sept. 18-20....