Wednesday, March 12, 2025

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Tween Takeover: Paint and Sip Rainbow Tree

Ruby Room, Coronado Public Library 640 Orange Ave, Coronado, CA, United States

It's Tween Takeover at the library!* Drop by the second Friday of the month for a tween takeover including, but not limited to... crafts, snacks, flicks, games, and more! Each […]


San Diego Storytelling Festival

Coronado Public Library 640 Orange Ave, Coronado, CA, United States

It's back! The Storytellers of San Diego return to Coronado Public Library for a daylong celebration of all things storytelling. There's a reason why storytelling has been around for much […]


Sculpt A: Bay Bridge

Coronado Public Library 640 Orange Ave, Coronado, CA, United States

Come play with some clay! This bimonthly program provides two chances to create a work of art using quick dry clay. This month, Ms. Wendy will be guiding you in […]
