Are you considering a career in the rapidly growing environmental sector? Or maybe you are passionate about our planet and seek to do service related to climate activism? Do you just hate seeing trash and plastics litter our beautiful Coronado? Maybe you love the bees, butterflies, and creepy crawly creatures that foster oxygen-producing plant life and serve to break down the naturally decaying things to regenerate good soil for future growth?
Emerald Keepers is seeking motivated high school interns for the 2024 – 2025 school year. This program requires a minimum of 34 hours (roughly four hours a month) to include:
- A minimum of six work late mornings in the CHS Emerald Keepers Organic Garden and Compost.
- Hours working directly with Emerald Keepers on a passion project.
In addition to these hours, Interns are required to attend one meeting a month in the Winn Room of the Coronado Public Library from September through May (with the exception of December). During this time, you will gain new skills and learn about new opportunities in the environmental field.
Completion of this internship offers excellent work experience and strengthens student resume development. All high school students who attend school in Coronado may apply.
Please complete the online application no later than August 30, 2024, at 5:00 PM. The application and more information can be found at
We look forward to fostering an Emerald Green, Ocean Blue Coronado with YOU!