Friday, May 3, 2024

Morgan Willis: From CHS Broadcasting to ASU Business Editor, and the Outdoors In Between

Morgan Willis Enjoying the Outdoors

Morgan Willis graduated from Coronado High School in 2016. He is one of the rare ones that began in the kindergarten program and stayed all the way through. His Coronado life unarguably shaping the person he is today. While at CHS Morgan worked with the after school broadcasting program. Morgan shares, “When I was a sophomore I heard they were starting a broadcasting program. I was in water polo up until that point so it was something new.” The after school Coronado TV (CTV) program then transitioned to under the CoSA umbrella for Morgan’s senior year, evolving to Digital Arts Conservatory with a concentration in Broadcast. During his time at CTV, Morgan took many roles, “I was an anchor, I produced short videos, I took on every role.”

His next step after graduation was attending Arizona State University. He calls ASU a really great experience, after an adjustment. “Growing up in the Coronado bubble to living in the city was a change;” one that he thinks others should try. Morgan elaborates, “Coronado is a great place to grow up. But you have to get out and see how other places live too.” Morgan has been working at the local newspaper, Downtown Devil (named after Sparky the Sun Devil, the ASU mascot) for two years now. From broadcasting to traditional news, a transition might have seemed a little less fluid, but Morgan explains the contrary. “At first I thought the transition would be tough but there is a lot of video and filming interviews,” a skill CHS Broadcasting helped him developed.

The past two summers, Morgan has also been involved in Outdoor Outreach. He created the video above about the program! The mission of the San Diego nonprofit is “to connect youth to the transformative power of the outdoors… to realize the positive attitude and behavioral changes that help them become happy, healthy, and successful adults.” Morgan has enjoyed the outdoor and connection aspect of his time with the program. He shares that the program “helps students get out of their neighborhood.” These neighborhoods are typically underserved with underfunded schools. Creating an opportunity for these students to explore beyond their neighborhoods can be life changing. Morgan says, “I loved working for Outdoor Outreach in so many ways. Like being a role model and seeing how the outdoors can help people.” Learn more about Outdoor Outreach.

After his graduation from ASU this spring, Morgan plans to set out on a hiking adventure throughout Europe. After that he is seeking a career in PR/Marketing, with an outdoor focus. Morgan is open to all possibilities for where his next journey will take him!

Read Morgan’s articles in Downtown Devil here.

Alyssa K. Burns
Alyssa K. Burns
Alyssa is a graduate of Coronado High School and was in the founding broadcast journalism class at CHS. She earned her BA in Communication from CSU East Bay and completed her MBA from CSU San Marcos. Her passion for writing and interest in the behind the scenes of business, leads her to write frequently about Coronado businesses. You can find Alyssa walking around the ferry landing with her husband and shih-tzu terrier or enjoying a cup of coffee at one of Coronado's favorite cafes.Have a story for The Coronado Times to cover? Send news tips or story ideas to: [email protected]

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