A Special Meeting of the City Council will be held at 4 pm on Tuesday, December 12 to discuss potential renovations to the Coronado Public Library’s Winn Room. The Winn Room subcommittee and staff will present the previous work of the subcommittee, including the four remodel options, to the City Council for discussion. Community input is vital to these discussions and the public is encouraged to participate. The agenda for that meeting will be posted to the city website on the afternoon of Dec. 7.
The four options for the Winn Room remodel range from minor interior cosmetic work to a larger expansion of the whole room.
For background information and more details, visit
The community is encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to provide input by carefully reviewing all four plans and attending the Dec. 12 meeting.
Winn Room Nov. 2023:

2021 Winn Room Expansion Articles