Thursday, February 13, 2025

Santa’s Helpers (aka Parents) – Drop Off Gifts for Rotary Santa Christmas Eve Delivery Dec. 16-22 Only

Wrapped and labeled* presents can be dropped off at Chase Bank, 1000 Orange Avenue, Friday, December 16th through Thursday, December 22nd (during the hours of noon to 5 pm Friday and Monday through Thursday, and 9 am to 2 pm on Saturday)

The Todaro family with Santa on Christmas even 2021

Victor and Mary Todaro, held by their parents Zach and Erin, were delighted when Santa came calling last Christmas Eve. He handed them each a gift and even knew their names!

* Here’s a reminder to Santa’s Helpers (also known as Mom and Dad or Grandma and Grandpa) to bring gift-wrapped presents with each child’s name, phone number and address clearly marked on the outside of each gift, to Chase Bank at 1000 Orange Avenue beginning Friday Dec. 16 and continuing through Thursday Dec. 22. Presents may be dropped off between the hours of noon and 5 pm on weekdays and 9 am to 2 pm on Saturday.

Assisted by members of Rotary Club of Coronado, Chase Bank and the Coronado Fire Department, Santa will deliver presents on Christmas Eve (Saturday, Dec. 24) to Coronado girls and boys between the hours of 5 and 7 pm. It’s the 93rd year that Rotary elves have given Santa a helping hand!


Rotary Santa Returns for 93rd Year to Make Local Deliveries

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