Sunday, March 16, 2025

CHS Cross Country Team Still Fighting Bug, But Others Compete

The Coronado Islanders Cross Country team finished up its league season last week at the Eastern League finals held at Morley Field. The week before that, we competed in the final league cluster, and the Hoka 2-mile runs at University City High School. There have been as many sick runners as healthy ones over the last two weeks, so many of our runners didn’t compete.

Our lone boy who wasn’t sick in the final cluster and 2-mile runs was Rafael Roos, who led the boys’ team in both meets. Second for the Islander boys at the cluster meet was Jack Letcher, with a PR of 21:43.

Rafael Roos

The top girl who wasn’t sick, Alexis Hammond, was our top girl in both meets. At the league finals we also kept several runners out.

Alexis Hammond

Of twelve who ran, six posted personal bests on the 3.11 City Conference course. Cole Bennett had the most significant improvement, knocking over a minute off his previous best. Letcher dipped under 21 minutes for the first time while knocking 44 seconds off with a time of 20.59. Oscar Alicandri also dropped 6 seconds. In the girls’ race, our first finisher was Hammond, with a PR of 22:27, followed by Morgan Maske, who ran a PR of 22:49. Our other finishers in order were Natalia Amkie, Anna Youngblood, and Caroline Cole. The only meet left on our schedule is the CIF finals on November 12th.

Click here for our Team Photo with names of our runners this season.

Photos of all of our meets this season can be found here.



George Green
George Green
Head Cross Country and Distance Track Coach, Coronado High School

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