Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Quarantined in Coronado: Stories from Our Readers in #Quaronado

Readers share how they are surviving “Quaronado.”

Submitted image.

Beautiful Gardens. Even though homefront judging & the flower show have been cancelled, it doesn’t mean we can’t have beautiful gardens! Plant some flowers to cheer up the walkers, plant some vegetables to share when this has passed. Also, the butterflies arrive this month, make sure they have a meal waiting for them. Check for nurseries that are still open.

Let’s have a community prayer out. The whole community can open their doors, step out outside, maintain distance, ring bells and offer a community prayer. Let’s start this Sunday (3/29) at 6:00pm.

Scavenger Hunt. I made up a scavenger hunt. One of us goes around the block and writes down 10 things that the other person needs to find. The other person does the same. Then each goes out to find the other’s object and takes a picture with their phone. The 1st person to come back wins. Then you have to show your photos to prove that you saw what they wanted you to find. We drink wine and tequila comisario. When we are finished with the bottles we decorate them. You can glue things to them and paint them with acrylic paint or nail polish. You can use sand or glitter and ribbon. It’s fun and creative. We have also been going on YouTube and looking up different kinds of dances and learning them together.

Photo by ACE.

Beauty Outside. Lately on my walks I try to take photos of the local life here or whatever catches my eye! Here is a bird of paradise I spotted on my walk down the beach towards the base. Hopefully this can add some beauty to someone during these times.

Silver Lining. I found this interview extremely helpful in in trying to reset my mindset as a parent while in lockdown with my two teenagers. Even though fear, anxiety and chaos want to come knocking, there are so many positive opportunities to gain from being home with our kids during this unique time. The biggest challenge so far as a parent, is settling into a routine and keeping the worry tempered. Although there are so many things we cannot control, and we ALL will need some extra support for various reasons during this surreal time, one thing that we can do to the best of our abilities, is make a choice with what we do and how we see this moment. However long and drawn out, or temporary and short lived this situation will be, we can “choose” to see positive opportunities with our children that we may never have otherwise while stuck in our homes. That in itself is something to be grateful for – a house and the family we are now stuck with! We may need to help ourselves more, and help each other more to get to that “silver lining” mindset, but it sure seems well worth the effort while hoping our kids and us parents to come out of this more unified, stronger, and with more compassion than ever before; as individuals, family, and local and global community members. Hopefully we can love a little more, pray a little more, …but no need to say eat a little more! And even if craziness ensues, and surely it will, hold your children close that much more.
Be heart strong and resilient everyone!

New Adult Libation: The Quarantini – it’s just like a martini, except you drink it alone.

Scented Candles. I’m a Massage Therapist with several immuno-compromised folks in my network. Every time I am tempted to feel sorry for myself and my situation, I think of them and how this temporary isolation is protecting them. I stocked up on Yankee Candles before the quarantine began and burn two at a time for hours which brightens my day and gives a luxurious calming aroma.

Blessed to be in this Beautiful Place. I moved here 7 years ago and I have loved living here everyday. During this confined time I feel blessed that I am here and able to take walks and enjoy such a beautiful place to live. Take care and be careful and know this too will pass and eventually we will get back to a somewhat normal life again.


Managing Editor
Managing Editor
Originally from upstate New York, Dani Schwartz has lived in Coronado since 1996. She is happy to call Coronado home and to have raised her children here. In her free time she enjoys reading, exercising, trying new restaurants, and just walking her dog around the "island." Have news to share? Send tips or story ideas to: [email protected]

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