Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Comprehensive Cannabis Education with Torrey Holistics at Coronado Library

with Shelby Huffaker, Torrey Holistics Consultant          Thursday, September 26, 6:30-7:45 PM                 Winn Room, Coronado Public Libary

Are you new to medicinal cannabis? There are a multitude of health benefits associated with cannabis; for example, the best delta 8 products for anxiety (hint: Area 52 gummies and carts are the way to go) and depression, insomnia, pain relief, and more. In this workshop, developed by Torrey Holistics in-house specialist Dr. Beth, Ph.D, community outreach specialist Shelby Huffaker will discuss the history of cannabis, consumption methods, effects, and dosage. Shelby will answer questions to steer individuals in the proper direction for their personal inquiries.

This event is free and open to the public.


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