The City of Coronado reports after Thursday night’s storm:
The City is actively assessing damage from last night’s storm, which dropped a large amount of rain in a relatively short period of time. This came after last week’s storm and during a high tide event and rush hour, which combined to cause traffic impacts, widespread flooding and damage all over town. The City activated its Emergency Operations Center at just after 7 p.m. manned by public safety personnel at the Police Department as a base of operations as reports of flooding and damage came in. The center was operating until almost midnight. Streets closed or affected due to flooding included First Street between A and B avenues; Five Points at Pomona Avenue, Tenth Street and Glorietta Boulevard near the Tennis Center; some sections of Orange Avenue were closed to cross traffic and some lanes in both directions were closed; Fourth Street and Alameda Boulevard where sand bags are normally stocked; the water was waist-deep at the intersection of Balboa Avenue and Eighth Street and nearly as high at Coronado Avenue and Eighth; and the northbound lanes of state Route 75 near the Coronado Cays, as well as the Coronado Cays Boulevard exit, experienced some extensive flooding. The John D. Spreckels Center and the Community Center were closed due to leaks and flooding that affected common areas. Large ruts in the sand are being graded at Glorietta Bay Park beach due to runoff from rain. There also were some scattered power outages. SDG&E is working on First to assess and repair the damage. The City is working to clean up mud and debris from flooded areas and are certain that all planned holiday events, including Snow Mountain at the Coronado Ferry Landing off First Street and the Holiday Parade down Orange Avenue, are scheduled to be held today and tonight as planned. No rain is currently in the forecast.
Video of Orange Ave last night from 10th & Orange towards 9th courtesy of Beth Aiello:
The City of Coronado has made a declaration of local emergency in Coronado due to the December 6 storm. The declaration, which has been posted publicly, is intended to facilitate the recovery of costs if funds are made available, and to cover actions related to the suspension of the Municipal Code in response to the emergency.