With so many absentee-owned vacation and second homes on the island, Coronado residents Dave and Johanna Evans saw a need they could fill. “OneStop Home Watch believes a vacant home is a vulnerable home and often our service can be the difference between damage and total disaster. We are excited to offer Coronado homeowners a professional option when it comes to protecting their investment,” says owner Dave Evans.
Home Watch professionals can help identify issues early and reduce the likelihood of an owner coming home to a larger and more expensive problem. OneStop Home Watch can help absentee owners coordinate repairs either for identified issues or planned repairs or remodels. Other services include a car drive service for cars left behind, arrival grocery service so you don’t have to run to the store when you get home, key-in service to let in approved contractors, and some senior services. “We are not property managers, and thus we do not have all the duties and issues involved with running a property management company,” says Evans. “We stay laser-focused on the condition of our clients’ properties and offer help in any way we can to make life a little easier. Since we do not manage people, but rather vacant homes, we have the time to stay on point and manage the risks associated with leaving a home or condo for a prolonged period,” says Evans.

Dave and Johanna have lived in Coronado for just over three years and have two active kids. They all enjoy the community and family culture in Coronado. Dave had a successful 22-year law enforcement career before retiring and starting a software company, which he ran for four years before selling the company to Life Time Fitness in 2017. Johanna enjoys coaching Crossfit at a local gym. OneStop Home Watch is a proud member of the Coronado Chamber of Commerce as well as the International Home Watch Alliance. OneStop Home Watch professionals are insured and bonded as well as professionally trained.
With OneStop Home Watch, the Evans were able to create an affordable, trustworthy service, which can adapt to the changing needs of customers, while practicing Servant Leadership principles. They provide a professional and ethical organization that treats your home as if it were their own. Their mission is “to make you feel like you gained a committed family member rather than just hired a service.” They look forward to making life a little easier for you and your family!
Dave can be reached at dave@onestophomewatch.com, or call 619-865-0782. More information can be found on their website.