Saturday, March 8, 2025

Holy Week and Easter at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church

St. Paul’s United Methodist Church situated in the center of town.

Nearly a thousand participants came through the doors of St. Paul’s during Holy Week last year, and this year the oldest church in Coronado again offers rich spiritual experiences to enhance the Christian season.

Palm Sunday, March 25
9am & 10:30am — St. Paul’s will offer its annual Palm Sunday Cantata, presented by choir and orchestra. A professionally-staffed nursery is available for children aged 3 and under.

Maundy Thursday, March 29
6:30pm — All are invited to a Tenebrae Worship Service, which alternates Scripture and extinguishing candles, in a somber and reflective atmosphere.

Good Friday, March 30
6:30pm-9pm — Please allow 45 minutes for an experiential Stations of the Cross. This is a self-paced, multi-sensory and meditative exploration of the Passion of the Christ, including Holy Communion. All are welcome.

Easter Sunday, April 1
8am, 9:30am & 11am — Please join us for joyful Easter morning celebrations that will include choir, praise band, and brass! Trained and background-checked childcare staff are on hand for care of infants through age 3, and a complimentary professional parking service is also available.


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