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Yearly Archives: 2014
Part 1: What Caused the Coronado Pension Debt Problem?
Here is a brief pictorial history of how Coronado city officials accrued the enormous Pension Debt that is hidden from the public as off-balance-sheet...
Cartoon Sheds Light on Coronado Unified School District’s Grave Budget Issues
Look below to view a cartoon that shows a visual explanation of the Coronado Unified School District's financial issues. You can learn more...
7 Coronado Restaurants Participating in SD Restaurant Week: Jan. 19-24th, 2014
Coronado Foodies: Experience cuisine that delights your palate and defines the art of dining in San Diego. No tickets or passes are...
San Diego Skyline at Sunset
No matter how many times you look across at the San Diego skyline, it's never exactly the same as it was the last time....
Coronado Real Estate Market Update for December 2013
The Coronado real estate market slowed again in December. During the month of December, Coronado had 95 Active listings, 10 new...
Finding My Bliss: Peace, Quiet, and a Massage at the Spa at the del
Following the recent holiday season, jam-packed as always with all the traditions and trappings of the season (not to mention the out-of-town guests),...
Coronado Scribes Poetry and Prose Weekly Feature: “Progress” by Tom Leary
We, the Coronado Scribes, consist of both professional and amateur writers. We have in common a desire to learn, by sharing our efforts and...
“Lone Survivor” is now playing at Vintage Village Theatre
Taylor Kitsch, Mark Wahlberg, Ben Foster and Emile Hirsch portray SEALs from Team 10 in Lone Survivor June 28, 2005, four Navy SEALs...
Remind you of Good Old England???
Who would have thought that I would be photographing quintessential British architecture in mid-winter on Coronado but this ivy cottage almost outdoes the ones...