Thursday, March 6, 2025

Coronado Scribes Poetry and Prose Weekly Feature: Thank You Mr. Hayes by Mike Lavin

We, the Coronado Scribes, consist of both professional and amateur writers. We have in common a desire to learn, by sharing our efforts and listening to other writers. We hold pressure-less sessions every Wednesday, at the Coronado Library conference room, starting at 1:30. Often we have guests who wish to just listen. They are welcome, and so are you.

Each week on eCoronado, we feature a different piece of prose or poetry produced by one of our writers. Please feel free to comment or ask questions in the comment section below.

Thank you, Mr. Hayes

Let us start with Mr. Hayes’s Biology class. It was understood that the summer before the class actually began, you were directed to collect as many insects and bees and butterflies and moths as you could and then mount them and have your presentations ready for the first day of class. I went nuts that summer, spending all the time I had, when I was not swimming, gathering my required phylum or genus of Coleoptera and Lepidoptera. I felt joy in that hot, baking hot black-top summer chasing insects that flew or scurried or stung. I could be seen running around back yards and rivers and flower beds trying to latch onto a Yellow-tailed Swallowtail a Monarch or Viceroy, or a cabbage moth, or the rare Polyphemus or even rarer, Walking Stick. I went through three butterfly nets that summer. The real catch, the real find was my enthusiasm for science and exploration and observation and detail. I loved that summer. Thank you Mr. Hayes for instilling an orientation I would carry for the rest of my life, Thanks, Mr. Hayes.

Mr. Hayes passed away several years before the reunion. His daughter, Marilyn, a classmate, expressed appreciation not just for sharing a memory of her father but also the fact that he had such an influence on me.

– Mike Lavin


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