Friday, February 7, 2025

Community Voices: School Board Considering Closed Campus at CHS… AGAIN

Hey guys – the School Board is bringing up AGAIN closing the campus. I’m sure the students, parents, and even the businesses that are going to lose off-season business at lunch time might want to weigh in. The issue seems to be “security”… be sure and share your thoughts.

Here is the link to watch the last School Board meeting, the clip is under “Reports”:

My concern is that the “safety” and “concern” for our students is just veiled curmudgeon complaints. If it is REALLY a security issue, let’s see some detailed police reports where we have had problems? If “lots of people” are complaining – have those people put it in writing and let’s see their concerns. It is more likely to me that the best interest of the students is not at issue at all. Someone complained because they don’t like teenagers walking around and now we have to waste employee time and resources looking into it. If that is not the case, and some REAL issues are caused by the kids…back it up. Are our kids in danger downtown? Have they been attacked by elderly people in golf carts and for their own safety we need to keep the kids on campus away from the abusive elderly people? What exactly is happening to our students when they go to Burger Lounge that we should be concerned for their safety?

It seems to me after watching the video, the only person with common sense on this was the Student Representative. Good grief. She was well spoken and brought up the fact that local businesses benefit – why are we considering harming our local businesses in economic times such as these? Our neighbors?

And one board member DARED to question that if my senior son came home for a salad and things might happen in my home that SHE needed to corral and keep from happening???? The one thing I am learning from watching this clip is who to campaign AGAINST in the next election. I am the parent. You are not responsible for my home. Learn your place. If you are making policies as if you are the parent, you do not belong on the school board at all. Good to know. I’ll be on the campaign trail for anyone willing to run against 🙂

In the meantime – the businesses, and parents, and students might want to weigh in on the closed campus issue for juniors and seniors (who are 17 & 18 years olds) allowed off the school grounds for 40 minutes to grab a bite at the local businesses, because “a lot” of undocumented curmudgeons are apparently weighing in already.

Good luck!


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