Sunday, March 16, 2025

Police Blotter Mar. 19-25: Fugitive Arrested on Ocean

Thank you to the Coronado Police Department for making this information available to the public. This is a partial list:

Fugitive From Justice Without Warrant – Felony
200 block of Ocean
Suspect arrested, white female age 25 from New York

Possess Marijuana 28.5 Grams or less – Misdemeanor
Blue anchor cay rd
Suspect cited and released
White, male age 15
3-22 at 22:55

Battery on a spouse or cohabitant
Male and female were arguing in a parking lot, the female claims the male pushed her to the ground

Defrauding an innkeeper
100 block of Orange Ave
two failed to pay for beer
Value: $78

Disorderly Conduct Alcohol – Misdemeanor
1900 block of Strand Way
suspect arrested, white male age 47 from Imperial Beach


Burglary First Degree
2000 block of 2nd St
wallet and currency stolen from room
Value: $21,470

Burglary Second Degree
1400 block of Orange Ave
locked bicycle stolen from bike rack in underground parking garage
Value: $500
Between 3-21 and 3-22


Petty Theft
700 block of 7th St
bicycle and equipment stolen
Value: $310
Between 2-10 and 3-16

Petty Theft
1500 block of Orange Ave
bicycle and lock stolen
Value: $360

Petty Theft
2000 block of 2nd St
computer stolen
Value: $650
Between 3-20 and 3-21

Petty Theft
McCain Blvd
Suspect put Make up in purse, loss prevention at the Exchange caught her stealing the makeup and stopped her, suspect was cited for petty theft
Value: $32

Petty Theft
1800 block of Avenida Del Mundo
bicycle stolen
Value: $350
Between 3-17 and 3-18

Petty Theft
600 block of D Ave
bicycle stolen
Value: $200
Between 3-16 and 3-18

Use of another personal identification
200 block of Orange Ave
an unknown person charged $981.62 to visa card

Traffic Collision

1100 block of SR-75
broadside collision
one vehicle towed from the scene

1700 block of SR-75
rear end collision
no one was transported, no tow away


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