Friday, January 10, 2025

Monthly Archives: August, 2012

NASNI Police Confrontation on 100 Block of F Avenue

Yesterday afternoon, NASNI police officers detained a community resident reportedly to be a retired senior Naval Officer, in front of his home on the...

Water algae/kelp in front of the Shores?

Driving down tomorrow and wanted to know ahead of time if the shoreline and water are clear or is there still a zone? ...

How Elections Shape our Nation’s History: Join Dr. Ward McAfee at Coronado Rountable Discussion August 24

Coronado Roundtable's August 24th Meeting Historians have long argued about both what caused the American Civil War and when (if ever) that bloody conflict...

Councilmember Denny attends “Survivors Teaching Students” Presentation for third year medical students at UCSD

Coronado City Councilmember BARBARA DENNY recently attended a presentation of the "Survivors Teaching Students" (STS) Program for third year medical students at...