Come join the fun at our monthly FREE fruit, vegetable, and flower exchange on JUNE 18 in front of the Winn Room of the Library. Bring a bag of your excess homegrown garden goodies, or if you don’t have a garden, pick for a neighbor or bring something homemade. Just be sure to list ingredients if you bring something homemade. These girls brought 60 baggies of gluten free dog biscuits they made themselves! Drop off your bag between 9am and 10am. Return at 11am to the Winn Room and pick up your bag, now filled with an array of the best of Coronado’s gardens and kitchens. Also at 11 we will ahve a lecture on the history, benefits and uses of olive oil by Roberta Korte, owner of Coronado Taste of Oils. Robwerts will bring samples, and also let you kknow how olive oil can enhance the wonderful fruits and vegetables you have in your bag. We have over 100 folks on our email list and hope to see you there as this new Coronado tradition of sharing what we have continues. For more information, see