Sunday, March 9, 2025

Suggestion for Coronado Lifeguards Regarding Stingrays

I’ve spent 55 years coming down to Coronado and despite occasionally watching someone experience the pain of a

Stingray, I’ve avoided it, that is until a few weeks ago. It is a miserable experience and being unprepared for it only

makes it worse. While Coronado is served by a wonderful group of lifeguards it’s clear they are unprepared as well.

In flagging one down, he proceeded to tell me that hot water and Advil was the recommended course of action. In

retrospect this was a 50000 foot response and it is clear that they need a much more detailed sheet of instructions in

their vehicles. I understand the balance of not wanting to scare the public off from the beautiful beach, but hot water

and Advil doesn’t cut it. Unless you live in Coronado or are staying at one of the hotels…hot water isn’t readily available, even in the public restroom by the boat docks. Second, after dealing with the fallout it’s clear that several issues need to be addressed. Infection, necrosis, none of which were mentioned by the young lifeguard. It would be nice to see a pre-printed sheet of “suggestions”, including directions to Sharp memorial so that those choosing to deal with the fallout are left to guessing. I ended up driving home 2 hours away and making my way to an emergency room. X-rays for possible barb, tetanus shot, anti-biotic prescription, pain killer. None of this noted by the lifeguard.

Was I aware of Sharp, yes(I used to live across the street) but hot water and Advil, again were the recommended course of action. The pain did not set in until about a half hour up the freeway and it is clearly excruciating pain.

If anyone has any pull with the city/lifeguards it would be nice if they put a more complete 1 page “suggestion” sheet.

As a postscript I was back this weekend, back in the water and after about 45 minutes spotted something near my feet and decided to get out. I happened to get in a discussion with a long time participant in beach activities by the Del and he proceeded to tell me he’d been stung 36 times by stingrays. He pointed out that it’s not publicized for economic reasons, and mentioned that he’s experienced severe bites with his lower leg swelling up, etc.

Again, until it happens to you personally there is no way to describe the pain….please take the time to get a MEDICAL SUGGESTION sheet put together. So that tourists/visitors know what is available and where to go.

Thank you!


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