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Monthly Archives: October, 2010
Coronado Sandman at Ferry Landing
The Sandman is everywhere on Coronado. Most likely, you will find his sand and dirt art at either the Coronado Shores or Ferry Landing....
Secret Coronado Cafe or Hospital Cafeteria?
At the risk of making a lot of doctors, nurses and all the Sharp Hospital employees upset, we are going to share a secret...
Segway of Coronado Moves to 1050 B Avenue, Suite D
Norman Funk of Segway of Coronado emailed us to let us know they have changed locations. They are now located at 1050 B...
Coronado – I’m Lovin’ It (McDonald’s Commercial Filming at Spreckels Park) – UPDATE
Update: The McDonald's commercial is now live - watch it here. After a few texts and calls about a 'major production'...
Gliding Around Coronado on a Segway
Feeling very futuristic gliding around Coronado on a Segway. Get more info at http://segwayofcoronado.com/
Why were the Coronado Police Officers shrouding their badges yesterday?
I just found out today. Here's an email I got from Commander Michael Lawton of the Coronado Police Department:Lieutenant Frank Greene- Killed October 12,...
A California-Style Tribute to a Water Polo Hero
CORONADO, California, October 12. BRIAN Bent was an ambidextrous water polo player known for converting 6-on-5 advantages into points. As a high school All-American...
Scott Barr Answers 5 Questions About Running for Coronado School Board
There are four candidates running for three seats on the Coronado School Board:Scott BarrLedyard HakesBrenda KrachtBruce ShepherdThe election is on November 2, 2010 and...
School Funding Guarantee Suspended
The recently passed state budget is unfortunately all smoke and mirrors. It is business as usual for our state legislators; they continue to have...
Water Balloon Fight – The Perfect Thing for a Hot Day
In the last weeks of September San Diego finally hit summer temperatures and Nado soccer moms knew exactly what was needed for...