Monday, March 10, 2025

Easter Sunday Earthquake in Baja California Felt Strongly in Coronado

Today’s earthquake in Baja California is now officially recorded at a 7.2 magnitude, which was felt in Coronado at a 5.0 magnitude, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

Go to for more information.
Ham radio operators and members of CERO (Coronado Emergency Radio Operators) monitored the amateur radio bands for information. No structural damage was reported in Coronado, but there was a whole lot of shaking going on . . . and then there were aftershocks.


Last month, I requested a plan from our city public safety expert for ways to increase citizen participation in the public safety training groups. Because of my initiative, opportunities will be here soon for everyone in Coronado who is interested to become and stay prepared for any emergency or disaster. Look for information in the near future on ways for you and your children to take advantage of training through CERT (Community Emergency Response Team), CERO, Neighborhood Watch and the Schools.
Go to for information on one of these programs.


I am pleased to say that your entire city council is concerned for your safety, as evidenced by their unanimous support for my request to increase citizen participation in our public safety training groups.

Safety First.


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