Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Brunch at The Red Door in Mission Hills – Elevating Eggs Benedict to a Higher Level

I had every intention of cooking this past weekend. We contemplated preparing and blogging about gumbo, in honor of the New Orleans Saints playing in the Super Bowl; gnocchi, a post we’ve been wanting to do; and an Eggs Benedict variation we recently enjoyed. I even pulled out The French Laundry, with grandeur thoughts of preparing a romantic dinner in honor of our three-year dating anniversary.

Unfortunately, all of these ideas went down the drain and were replaced by anxious and uneasy feelings caused by the untimely demise of my computer.

I’m pleased to report I’m up and running again, with a brand new iMac…yep, I made the leap to Apple. It’s a beautiful, stylish machine, with a 21.5 inch widescreen and wireless keyboard and mouse. I can’t wait to learn all it has to offer!

In between computer shopping and munching on Moose Mix during the Super Bowl, we decided to return to The Red Door, this time to sample Brunch. Last month, we visited this charming Mission Hills restaurant for the first time and blogged about our recreation of the delicious Shrimp Creole offered on the appetizer menu.

The hostess offered us a nice table for two next to the window. Within seconds of opening the menu, and almost simultaneously, we both zeroed in on Bottomless Mimosas and Sausage Benedict. I let John order the Benedict and I went with the Flat Iron Steak and Eggs. When I know I will be blogging about a meal out, I laugh at how my menu decisions are influenced by what appears to be the most interesting and photographable dish on the menu! Fortunately, every offering on this menu called out to me and I simply chose what sounded most appealing to my taste.

The Red Door entrance, with the dining room windows to the right

and the cozy lounge and wine bar windows to the left

John enjoying his Bottomless Mimosa

Sausage Benedict

Spicy Chicken-Japapeno Sausage on polenta, poached eggs, cilantro-lime hollandaise sauce; served with breakfast potatoes

Flat-Iron Steak and Eggs

Meyer all-natural flat iron steak, two eggs any style, breakfast potatoes

A view of the wine wall and booth seating

I seem to be on a poached egg kick and love the innovative Eggs Benedict dishes I’ve experienced recently. The Red Door’s version, and Mesa Grill’s version, are incredible!

We do plan on returning to our new-found restaurant, for dinner. I have my eye on the “Cheeky” Surf and Turf…


There’s a Newf in My Soup!


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