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Monthly Archives: December, 2009
Video: Ellen DeGeneres Supports Coronado’s Steve Wampler, His Climb & Foundation!
Update: Paul Reiser shares his support for Steve Wampler. Watch the video.Celebs Lend a Hand to the Wampler Foundation: Helping Kids with Disabilities Climb...
GIRLS WATER POLO | Coronado scorer ‘dynamic’
In the spotlight: Coronado senior Ashley YoungSignOnSanDiego Topics Topics, stellar in the playoffs last season, looks to help lead the Islanders to their third...
Last Minute Holiday Gifts from Noevir
We have a variety of skin and body care gifts already wrapped for you to purchase. Prices range from $6 to $208. Items include:...
School District’s Revenue Brutally Slashed
Unfortunately this worldwide economic recession has hurt California more than most states. The result has been an extraordinary negative impact on K-12 education funding....
Treat yourself this Wednesday to a “Bubbly Wine Tasting Event” at WineStyles, Coronado!
Please join us Wednesday12/16 for a relaxing evening of jazz music, fine champagne and treat yourself to a 10 minute massage for only $10....
My H2O Online is a free and an easy tool for customers to manage their water service accounts LOS ANGELES, CA (December 16,...
Late Friday night maintenance (Dec. 18th from 10-11pm PST)
This Friday evening, Dec. 18, we'll be doing some brief maintenance on eCoronado.com, focusing on a number of hardware upgrades and improvements. The maintenance...