CAYS CORNER By: Ella Croshier 10-5-09 NEWS FLASHÂ…MARDI GRAS CONDOMINIUM EXPANSIONS Coronado Cays HOA members received written notice October 5th 2009 by U.S. Mail advising the Board of Directors determined the need for architectural guidelines for Mardi Gras Condominium Village be changed. The change to the hand book removes language “No expansions above the garage are allowed” to Expansion above the garage is allowed Â…..”. The Purpose given “This Resolution would allow for expansion to the waterfront properties of Mardi Gras Village”. The effect given “This Resolution would allow an increase of square footage for indicated properties” The Resolution 09-01 was signed by President Herring and Secretary and director of Mardi Gras Fred Brown. The HOA Rules Policy requires a members meeting which was previously noticed but cancelled and never rescheduled. Instead the Board passed the proposed resolution at the September 25th Regular HOA meeting after being reminded that they had not met the meeting requirement to inform the members of the proposed change. No information was provided to members in the notice they received to inform them of their right to object by 5% of voting members to sign and submit a petition to directors within 15 days of receipt of the notice received today. 5% of 1198 votes Amount to about 60 signatures. If such a petition is delivered, as required, the Board has the option to call for a membership meeting or a ballot vote. In January 2008 the HOA President Dan Harrigan petitioned the court to amend governing documents to reduce vote requirements from 50% to 1/3rd or (approximately 400 to make a quorum at a meeting. It then takes only 51% or approximately 200 to pass the measure. In other words 200 members vote to enact rules for 1198 members. And, that is only if a petition is presented with approximately 60 names of voting members objecting. Records indicate the resolution originated in the AECC (Architectural, Environmental Control Committee) minutes and recommended to the HOA with no mention of who made the request. The notice received today states: the HOA Board of Directors “determined the need for a revision” That takes a lot of hutspa if you ask me. Perhaps the reason they FEEL THE NEED is because they have already violated HOA rules and city ordinance Specific Plan approving major expansions to Mardi Gras Condominiums in the past just as they have on zero lot line homes in 4 other villages. I think there is a name for that kind of thing Â…like change the rules to fit the crime??? This Board and their appointed AEEC are all in favor of building expansions and have continued to push for these expansions without a vote of the membership. The socialistic, dictatorial governance of local, state, federal government is being challenged by the public who is tired and not going to take it anymore. Will Cays homeowners do the same? Comments welcomed.
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