- Beach accessibility mats should be in place by the end of April at Central, North and Dog Beaches
- Everyone with an address in Coronado should receive a postcard encouraging you to sign up for emergency alerts at www.readysandiego.org\alertsandiego
- Rec Center pool heater shut down unexpectedly; the competitive pool remains open for lap swimming
- City communicating with CalTrans regarding potholes on Third between the bridge and D Avenue
- In recognition of National Vietnam War Veterans Day, local Vietnam veterans can enjoy a free base tour and lunch Thursday March 28; make a reservation in advance
- Sinkhole discovered during the Cays Causeway bulkhead project
- Spreckels Center will be closed March 16 through 22 for flooring installation; lawn bowling still open
- Annual Superseal Olympic Triathlon is this Sunday, March 17 will end around 11:30am; expect delays along Silver Strand
Each week, the City Manager’s Office provides an update that includes information on programs, services and issues within the City, as well as news, project updates and follow-up information when necessary.
Get up to speed on what’s going on in Coronado with this video preview of the latest edition of the Coronado City Manager’s Weekly Update, as well as a sampling of the updates below. Read the full update on the City’s website.
Beach Accessibility Mats: The City expects to have beach accessibility mats in place by the end of April. The City Council agreed to purchase and install mats at Central, North Beach and Dog Beach to make traversing even the City’s widest beaches easier for those with mobility issues. The Parks and Recreation Commission endorsed the project and Public Services staff members are making some last-minute adjustments to the designs for each location. Once finalized, the project will go out for bid in as soon as a few weeks. The photos below show demonstration mats.
Emergency Alerts: Everyone with an address in Coronado should be getting a postcard in the mail from the Coronado Fire Department, encouraging them to sign up for emergency alerts through San Diego County’s Alert San Diego system. It provides the best way to reach those who live, work or go to school in Coronado quickly with information as to a specific emergency and what protective action is expected. It is one of many tools that will be used during a major emergency. Sign up your mobile phone to receive alerts at http://www.readysandiego.org/alertsandiego/. The Fire Department is working to get as many people as it can to enroll in the system.
Pothole Complaints: City Hall continues to receive concerns and complaints about potholes, specifically with the number of potholes on the right of way on Third Street between the San Diego-Coronado Bridge and E Avenue. The roadway is owned and managed by the California Department of Transportation. City crews have been placing cold patch, meaning cold asphalt, into the holes. Unfortunately, this section of the roadway needs more extensive repairs. The City has been communication with Caltrans, which has committed to an emergency repair project. The timing for the project is not known.
See the complete City Manager’s Weekly Update, visit the city’s website.