Giving appreciation to those who keep us safe, Coronado Rotary President LuAnn Miller recognized Naval Base Coronado Commanding Officer Captain Dwight “Woody” Clemons and Executive Officer Captain Charles “Newt” McKissick for their service and leadership.
Rotary President LuAnn Miller said, “It’s always special to recognize members of the military that we respect and that keep our country safe. We honor you both for your outstanding service to your country and for being such great neighbors to our community.”
“We represent the 40,000 folks who work on Naval Base Coronado that come and make this our home,” Captain Clemons said, mentioning outreach connections to the Coronado school district planning events for Veteran’s Day and Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron 49 connecting with Emerald Keepers to volunteer to clean the beach. “That’s part of the outreach that makes us part of the community.”
The program’s speaker was Captain and Commanding Officer Tim Quast of the Medical Unit on the USNS Mercy. He recently returned from leading the Mercy on a humanitarian mission to Southeast Asia. The ship was in the South Pacific for 150 days, focusing on four lines of effort: Medical, Engineering, Host Nation Outreach and Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Relief. The countries and locations they visited included the Philippines, Solomon Islands, Palau, and Vietnam.
Armed Services YMCA

The YMCA donation goes to the Navy Medical Center to support the wounded, injured and ill. The San Diego organization has been serving military members and their families since 1920.
Wounded Warrior Homes

Wounded Warrior Homes provides transitional housing and re-integrative services to post 9/11 veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and/or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The non-profit’s vision is to facilitate the transition from wounded warrior to successful civilian.
For more information about the Coronado Rotary Club please visit coronadorotary.org.