Sunday, March 16, 2025

CHS Cross Country Teams Start League Competition

Last Wednesday, the Eastern League Cluster Cross Country meets began at Morley Field. The girls’ varsity team had a couple of close contests, losing to Crawford by one point (27-28) but winning over San Diego by three points (26-29). We usually have a tight pack of five girls, but we were missing one because of illness. Leading our pack was Dana Jennings, who covered the 3.11-mile course in 23:14. Morgan Maske and Eva Vinegrad were next with both running 23:48. Jaya Jost was back a few seconds (23:54), followed by Anna Youngblood, Sierra Grella, Mia Sachi, Silvia Arana, and Caroline Cole.

Start of girls race L-R: Anna Youngblood, Morgan Maske,, Sierra Grella (top), Dana Jennings, Eva Vinegrad, Jaya Jost: Photo by George Green

This season we have only two boys at the varsity level. The rest are Frosh/Sophs running Cross Country for the first time. In the boys’ varsity race, Detrik Heidt covered the 3.11 mile course in 18:33 followed by Raphael Roos in 19:00.

Raphael Roos (left) and Detrik Heidt starting in the boys varsity race: Photo by George Green

Our top finisher in the boys JV race was Henry Moore who ran 23:28 followed by Jack Letcher, Oscar Alicandri, Andre Poole, and Cole Bennett.

For more photos of this race, and all of our Cross Country races, visit our photo website.

Start of boys JV race L-R: Oscar Alicandri, Cole Bennett, Jack Letcher, Andre Poole: Photo by George Green


George Green
George Green
Head Cross Country and Distance Track Coach, Coronado High School

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