Friday, March 14, 2025

Scott and Nina Thompson October Emerald Keepers of the Month

Scott Thompson
Scott Thompson the morning Emerald Keepers first met him.

Scott Thompson was moving fast, nabbing trash with his pick-up stick from the gutters on the one hundred block of B Avenue when I stopped him to talk about being an Emerald Keeper. Scott is an avid runner, but doesn’t pick up trash when he runs. Instead, he heads out with his bucket and pick-up stick three times a week to clean up the mess people leave on Coronado’s streets. Scott said, “My wife, Nina, is the one who inspired me to pick up trash. She picks it up on her run/walks. We pick up trash together when we walk our dog, Luca.”

“People often say ‘thank you’ or give me a thumbs up when I pick up trash,” he explained. “Everyone has something positive to say about what I am doing. I think it reinforces good behavior by inspiring other people to pick up trash too.”

Scott and Nina Thompson
Scott and Nina Thompson with Luca

We agreed trash has become even more problematic since the pandemic began. He said, “You would never throw trash outside of your own home, but people come here and just dump their trash. I find cigarette butts, diapers, masks, bottles, and take-out containers. It is disgusting. Tidelands Park is a haven for trash.”

Typical gutter clean-up for Scott.

When I spoke with Scott, I was struck by his kindness and sincerity. A resident of Coronado since 2015, he works from home giving him some flexibility to get out and pick up trash. He said, “If people would just do their part, we could keep Coronado much cleaner. Tourists, residents –everyone — can work to keep Coronado clear of trash.”

Both Scott and Nina believe in doing their part for their community. “Caring about where you live and the people who live there is what it is all about,” Scott said. “Being a good person and doing something positive every day is what we try to do.”

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