Freedom of speech, God, and love became hot topics in Coronado on Thursday when a photo of two men holding a sign at a main intersection, Third Street and Orange Avenue, went viral on social media in multiple posts, one garnering over 600 comments. Most all of the comments were negative towards the men and the sign and the fact that it appeared representative of Coronado. The sign was anti-LGBT and it also prominently displayed three corporate logos of well known entities, Cox Communications, Vons and SDG&E; although in small print below the logos it read: “Are not supporters of this sign.” It was noted that the sign was not staked into the ground on city property but that the men were holding it.

Later in the day, a new photo emerged that had had some Photoshop work done to change the message of the sign (and the men). Likes, Loves, and Laughs followed as well as the desire by many that the signholders would see the revised version of their sign.

This form of demonstration is not a regular sighting in Coronado, so many wondered if it was planned for the day the Vice President of the United States was visiting, or if it was a random coincidence. Either way, their public display got people talking.