Parents in the Cays treated their kids to a hearty breakfast before they took the bus to Silver Strand Elementary School Friday Jan. 19. While it is often difficult to motivate kids to get moving in the mornings before school, the Cays ‘bus stop breakfast’ tradition has kids running out the door at least once a month.

Coronado Cays resident, Elsie Hammond, coordinates a monthly ‘Bus Stop Breakfast’ for children that take the morning bus from the Cays to Silver Strand Elementary School. Designating items parents should bring, Elsie makes sure kids are treated with fruit, pastries and main dishes like eggs, mini quiches and French toast sticks. On special occasions one of the dads brings his camping skillet and makes fresh pancakes. It is a tradition that began years ago, and has endured because of the happiness it brings to the kids.
The children quickly line up when the food is ready and dig in. Luke and Logan, fourth graders at Silver Strand Elementary, were the first kids to arrive and Luke shared, “My favorite part is the donuts,” while Logan added, “my least favorite part is when the bus comes because then it’s over.” Next to arrive was Leah Camaisa with a big smile and some mini-quiches to share.

It isn’t only the kids who enjoy the morning, the parents also appreciate having time to catch up with their neighbors. One mom shared with me that when the Navy moved her family here, the bus stop breakfast was a great way to meet other parents and become part of the community.
I asked Elsie why she put all the effort into coordinating and she responded, “The kids really like it and it’s only once a month. I took over coordinating this about four years ago now and I am about to hand off the coordination responsibilities to one of the other parents since [my son] Andrew will be heading to middle school next year.”

The Cays is a very family-friendly community made up of folks who enjoy getting together with neighbors and spending time with their kids. Bus Stop Breakfast will be sure to create lasting memories for the Cays kids for years to come.