- Online mapping for transportation issues, deadline 3/31
- Police citation breakdown for February
- Accessory Dwelling Units state legislation and local controls
- Artwork for local banners requested
- C3 Gallery new exhibition
- Special City Council meeting for 2017-2018 budget workshop
- New items and fees at the Municipal Golf Course
- Armchair Travel to Rome
Each week, the City Manager’s Office provides an update that includes information on programs, services and issues within the City, as well as news, project updates and follow-up information when necessary.
Get up to speed on what’s going on in Coronado with this video preview of the latest edition of the Coronado City Manager’s Weekly Update, as well as a sample of the updates below. Get detailed information on the City’s website.
- Active Transportation Issue Map: Coronado residents are invited to identify their transportation opportunities and most pressing concerns using the Active Transportation Master Plan Issue Map. With the WikiMapping tool, users can toggle between Map View and Satellite View, as with Google Maps, and log comments. Users may submit comments anonymously, upload photos, and add feedback to other comments. This interactive map is part of a comprehensive public outreach effort to ensure community concerns are received by the Active Transportation Master Plan project team. “Active Transportation” refers to any human-powered transportation, such as walking, bicycling or using a wheelchair. Providing safe transportation facilities for everyone ensures equal access to mobility and grows healthy communities. The deadline is March 31.
- 711 A Avenue Update: Beyond the demolition permit that was requested and issued for the property at 711 A Ave., no other permits have been requested or issued. Questions have come up about allowed uses in the R-1A residential zoning code. Here are the allowed uses:
- One single family dwelling
- One duplex or two single-family dwelling buildings in the R-1A(E) zone on a minimum lot of 10,500 square feet
- Incidental home occupations (See Chapter 20.08 of the CMC)
- Accessory Buildings (See Chapter 86.56 of the CMC)
- Off-street parking (See Chapter 86.58 of the CMC)
- Residential care facility, supportive housing, and transitional housing, as defined in Chapter 80 of the CMC
- Accessory Dwelling Units: On Tuesday, March 7, the City Council received a presentation on accessory dwelling units. Recent state legislation requires all cities in California to allow for an attached or detached dwelling unit that is accessory to a single-family home. This will result in increased density. The City Council received information about the new state laws and ways that Coronado could enact local controls, including parking requirements, owner occupancy requirements, and location limitations. The Council directed staff to prepare amendments to the Coronado Municipal Code for future consideration by the Planning Commission and City Council.
- Beaches Reopened: The ocean shoreline from the border to the north end of Coronado was affected by a sewage spill in Mexico. Coronado’s beach was closed by County Health officials on Tuesday, February 28, and was reopened on Friday, March 3, at 3 p.m. A spill of nearly 250 million gallons of sewage was reported to have spilled into the Tijuana River over a period of several weeks. The river drains into the Pacific Ocean just north of the border.
For the complete City Manager’s Weekly Update, visit the city’s website.