Sunday, March 2, 2025

Service Organizations in Coronado

If you're looking for ways to get more involved in the Coronado community, maybe there's a service organization that's just waiting to add you as its next member or volunteer!

In between the crosswalks on Third Street and Orange Avenue are signs for 19 different service groups of Coronado.

Chances are you’ve passed by this cluster of service organization signs in between the crosswalks of Third Street and Orange Avenue more times than you can count, but when you’re driving past, you often don’t have enough time to fully read all of the civic organizations listed below the crown.  Even as a pedestrian using the crosswalk, it’s hard to stop along the median to look closely at all of the community organizations while still having enough time to make it to the other side of the street before time runs out on the crosswalk countdown.

Listed below you’ll find a brief background on each organization as well as links to their websites and Facebook pages. Who knows?  Maybe there’s a service organization that’s just waiting to add you as its next member or volunteer!

(The organizations are listed below in the same order in which they appear on the corner of Third and Orange, starting with the column on the left.  Additional organizations which are not represented along the median are featured at the conclusion of the descriptions of the 19 organizations which are represented along the median.  Additional organizations are noted with an asterisk.)

Coronado Junior Woman’s Club

The mission of the Coronado Junior Woman’s Club, established in 1960, is “to unite together women who are dedicated to enhancing the spirit of Coronado through educational, civic and philanthropic services.” Anyone interested in joining needs to attend two consecutive meetings and work on an event.  Annual dues cost $75.

Events include Beans & Jeans, Oktoberfest, Cinco de Mayo, Purse Party, Rummage Sales, and A Taste of Coronado.  The CJWC also donates its time and money toward Halloween Window Painting, Coronado Flower Show, Thanksgiving Coloring Contest, and Baby Baskets for Military.

Website:  Coronado Junior Woman’s Club

Facebook page:  Click here

email:  [email protected]

Coronado Promenade Concerts

The Coronado Promenade Concerts “produces and manages the annual Spreckels Park summer concert series.”  The concert series began in 1970, but it was not until 2010 that CPC was founded.  Volunteers who are “able to donate time to help keep the music alive” are “needed on concert days and in preparing and planning for these great shows.” CPC look for volunteers who can “help coordinate teen volunteers, accept donations and walk about the park to keep things running smoothly.”

Website:  Coronado Promenade Concerts

Facebook page: Click here.

email:  [email protected]

Coronado SAFE (Student and Family Enrichment)

Coronado SAFE “is a grassroots nonprofit organization whose mission is to partner with parents and the community to develop and sustain healthy, responsible youth.”

“SAFE’s mission in action brings the entire community together under one common goal: to help our children thrive. For this, SAFE is comprised of a vibrant group of advocates for the success of our youth that include: The SAFE Board, The SAFE Staff, and The SAFE Coalition.”

SAFE “provides on-campus enrichment clubs from pre-kindergarten through high school that foster life-skills and coping-skills, offers numerous parent education workshops, classes and seminars, and hosts several no-cost counseling support options for Coronado students and families in need.”

Website:  Coronado SAFE

Facebook page: Click here.

email:  Click here.

Phone:  Call 619-522-6884 for more information about Coronado SAFE.

Friends of the Coronado Library

As stated on their website, “The Coronado Friends of the Library is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization whose primary mission is to support the Coronado Public Library programs. The Friends is managed by a Board of Trustees and has many hard working volunteers.”

Each April, in conjunction with the Coronado Floral Association’s Flower Show, the Coronado Friends of the Library host an annual Book Sale in Spreckels Park. Sold at the Book Sale are thousands of books of various genres.

In addition to their yearly Book Sale, The Coronado Friends of the Library operate a used book store toward the back of the library called Second Hand Prose. According to their website, “Many used and recent books in good condition are sold there at moderate prices. An ‘honor’ shop of books and magazines for sale is also located in the Library Lobby. The Friends also sell more valuable books on-line.”

Second Hand Prose Store Hours: Monday-Thursday 10:00-6:00, Friday 10:00-4:00, Saturday 10:00-3:00, Sunday 1:00-4:00

Website:  Friends of the Coronado Library

Facebook page: Click here.

email:   [email protected]

Coronado Woman’s Club

The Coronado Woman’s Club “has been an active member of the community for 68 years.  The club promotes philanthropy and community interest among Coronado Women by sponsoring Coronado High School scholarships, supporting the Coronado Flower Show and Coronado Recreation Department summer programs.”

“A woman, sincerely interested in the objectives of the Club, able to meet the requirements of active membership, and who has been a guest at two general meetings within six months, shall become eligible for membership. Members are not required to reside in Coronado.”

There are five sections (smaller interest clubs) of the Coronado Women’s Club, which include Evening Section, Bridge, ESO – Epsilon Sigma Omega, Crafts, Creative Cookery, and Travels and Treasures.

Website:  Coronado Woman’s Club

Facebook page:  Click here.

email link for current CWC President Jerry Coziahr.

Phone:  619-559-5008 (CWC President Jerry Coziahr)


F.O.C.U.S. (Friends of Children United Society), which was founded in 1982, is a local 501 (c )(3) non-profit, all volunteer charitable organization with over 220 members that helps children in need.  F.O.C.U.S.’s mission is to “raise funds for charitable purposes for the comfort and betterment of battered, abused, homeless, disabled, disadvantaged, military and foster children within San Diego County.”

F.O.C.U.S. offers two forms of membership. General membership, which has annual dues of $75, allows members to “participate in activities and attend meetings at their option.”  Patron membership, which has an annual dues of $150, “attend meetings at their option and shall be specifically invited to the annual meeting.”

Website:  F.O.C.U.S.

Facebook page:  Click here.

email:  [email protected]

Coronado Chamber of Commerce

The Coronado Chamber of Commerce’s mission is to “help businesses succeed so that our community prospers.”  According to its website, the Coronado Chamber of Commerce does the following:

Website: Coronado Chamber of Commerce

Facebook page:  Click here.

email: Click here.

Lions Club of Coronado

Lions International Clubs all over the world, including the Lions Club of Coronado, do community volunteer work with sight programs, health programs, youth volunteer opportunities, community and environment programs, and disaster relief.  For information on becoming a Lion, click here.  There are regular memberships, family memberships, student memberships, and “Leo to Lion” memberships.

According to the Lions Clubs International website, the purpose of Lions Clubs is as follows:

  • To Create and foster a spirit of understanding among the peoples of the world.
  • To Promote the principles of good government and good citizenship.
  • To Take an active interest in the civic, cultural, social and moral welfare of the community.
  • To Unite the clubs in the bonds of friendship, good fellowship and mutual understanding.
  • To Provide a forum for the open discussion of all matters of public interest; provided, however, that partisan politics and sectarian religion shall not be debated by club members.
  • To Encourage service-minded people to serve their community without personal financial reward, and to encourage efficiency and promote high ethical standards in commerce, industry, professions, public works and private endeavors.

Website:  Lions Clubs International

Facebook page:  (*No Facebook page for Coronado Lions Club found.)

email:  Click here.

Phone:  Call 619-435-2647 for more information about Coronado Lions Club.

Soroptimist International of Coronado

Soroptimist International of Coronado has been a charter member of Soroptimist International since 1947. Soroptimist International of Coronado is “a global volunteer organization working to improve the lives of women and girls through programs leading to social and economic empowerment.”  According to their website they “support projects that have a significant impact on the lives of women and girls through the prevention of domestic violence and human trafficking and that provide improved access to education and health services.”

For membership information, click here.

Website:  Coronado Soroptimist 

Facebook page:  Click here for the Soroptimist International page.  (*No Facebook page for Coronado Soroptimists found.)

email:  Click here.

Rotary Club of Coronado

The Rotary Club of Coronado, established in Coronado in 1926, is a chapter of Rotary International, “a worldwide organization of business and professional leaders that provides humanitarian service and encourages high ethical standards in all vocations.”  Their motto is “Service Above Self.”

With over over 1.2 million members worldwide in 33,000 local clubs, “the main objective is service — to the community, in the workplace, and throughout the world.” For information on becoming a member, click here.

Every June the Rotary Club of Coronado hosts the Low Tide Ride & Stride, an 8.2 mile course along the beach.  Proceeds from the race benefit the military and surrounding communities.

Website:  Rotary Club of Coronado

Facebook page:  Click here for the Coronado Rotary Happenings Facebook page.

email:   [email protected]

Phone:  Call 619-435-8334 for more information about the Rotary Club of Coronado.

Coronado Lodge No. 441, Free & Accepted Masons

Coronado Lodge No. 441 has been in the Crown City for over 100 years.  Free & Accepted Masons “is the oldest and largest fraternal organization in the world. Freemasonry is not an insurance or beneficial society. It is not organized for profit. However, the charitable services rendered by Freemasons are beyond measure.”  With over 145,000 members in California, “membership is limited to adult males without regard to race, color or creed who are of good character and reputation. A man becomes a Freemason of his own volition. No one is solicited to membership. A man seeks admission of his own free will. He makes the choice! One of the Ancient Landmarks of Freemasonry is that Masons cannot solicit members. One seeking admission must have a desire and ask for an application form from one who he believes to be a Mason. The applicant for admission to Freemasonry in California must be over 18 years of age, mentally and physically competent and of good moral character. He must be recommended by two members of the Masonic Lodge to which he is seeking admission and obtain its unanimous favorable ballot for acceptance.”

Website:  Coronado Lodge No. 441, Free & Accepted Masons

Facebook page: Click here.

email:  [email protected]

Phone:  Call 619-435-0605 for more information about the Coronado Lodge No. 441.

Main Street Ltd. Coronado

The Mission of Coronado MainStreet Ltd. is “to revitalize Coronado’s downtown through preservation and beautification for the benefit of the entire community.”  Started in 1988 by the City of Coronado,  the city “adopted the successful Four Point Approach, a program developed by the National Main Street Center, part of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, as the strategy to revitalize our commercial area.”  Its slogan is, “Coming together is the beginning.  Keeping together is progress.  Working together is success.”

Coronado MainStreet Ltd. has six main events to promote its mission.

  1. MotorCars on MainStreet
  2. Downtown Goes Ghostly (trick-or-treating for kids along Orange Avenue’s businesses)
  3. Rooftop Lights
  4. Orange Avenue Gardens
  5. Garden Party
  6. Information & Advocacy

Website:  Coronado MainStreet 

Facebook page:  Click here.

email link for Executive Director Rita Sarich.

Phone: Call 619-437-0254 for more information about Coronado MainStreet Ltd.

Coronado Historical Association

The mission of the Coronado Historical Association is “to encourage and promote the appreciation, preservation, and understanding of Coronado’s unique history, culture, and historical resources to enhance the essence of our unique village community.”

According to its website, “The Coronado Historical Association, a non-profit 501 (c) 3 charitable organization, was founded in 1969 to help people understand and appreciate Coronado’s unique history, art, architecture, and historical resources. CHA continually works towards these goals and brings the history of Coronado to the community. In our state-of-the-art archives, we are carefully preserving everything from 1880s newspapers to vintage garments and over 20,000 photographs. In our Museum of History & Art, we bring Coronado’s history to life through fascinating permanent exhibits and changing displays.”

Each year the Coronado Historical Association presents the Historic Home Tour on Mother’s Day followed by the Coronado Art Walk in September.

There are seven levels of membership starting with the general/family membership, which costs $60.  For membership information click here.

Website:  Coronado Historical Association

Facebook page:  Click here.

email: [email protected]

Phone:  Call 619-435-7242 for more information about the Coronado Historical Association.

Optimist Club of Coronado

According to the Coronado Optimist Club’s Facebook page, “Optimist International is an association of more than 2,900 Optimist Clubs around the world dedicated to ‘Bringing Out the Best in Kids.’ Adult volunteers join Optimist Clubs to conduct positive service projects in their communities aimed at providing a helping hand to youth. With their upbeat attitude, Optimist Club members help empower young people to be the best that they can be.”

“Each Optimist Club determines the needs of the young people in its community and conducts programs to meet those needs. Every year, Optimists conduct 65,000 service projects and serve well over six million young people.”

The Optimist Creed, which has been the creed of the Optimist International Club since 1922 is as follows:

“Promise Yourself:
To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.
To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person you meet.
To make all your friends feel that there is something in them.
To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.
To think only of the best, to work only for the best, and to expect only the best.
To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.
To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.
To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature you meet a smile.
To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others.
To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.”

Website:  Optimist Club of Coronado

Facebook page:  Click here.

Email link to Brennan Hovland.

Phone:  619-787-9592  (Diana Drummey, President-Optimist Club of Coronado)

Coronado Schools Foundation

“Great Schools.  Great Kids.” is the slogan of the Coronado Schools Foundation.  Their mission is “through community involvement and support, Coronado Schools Foundation raises and manages funds to provide exceptional learning experiences for all Coronado Unified School District students.”

According to its website, “During the CSF fiscal year (July 1st to June 30th), funds are raised through donor annual giving campaigns, foundation grants, and two major benefit events: the fall Benefit Auction and spring Telethon.”

“In addition, during the school year, funds are returned through specific projects, annual fund-a-need at the Benefit Auction, private donor scholarships for graduating seniors, and designated donations. At the end of the school/fiscal year, the balance is divided equitably among the school sites through Program Funding Grants.”

For information on a Coronado Schools Foundation Locals Card, which provides discounts, deals, and promotions in Coronado click here.

Website:  Coronado Schools Foundation

Facebook page: Click here.

email:  [email protected]

Phone:  619-437-8059

CREA (Coronado Real Estate Association)

The mission of the Coronado Real Estate Association is “to promote positive relationships between Coronado real estate professionals and property owners.”  According to its website, “The Coronado Real Estate Association was formed in 2009, the result of the merger between the original Coronado Association of Realtors (CAOR) and the San Diego Association of Realtors (SDAR). As a result of the merger, CREA was born as a non profit association. Each year CREA holds a number of public events benefiting local charities. CREA oversees 40 broker pitch sessions each year. The Association also acts as the voice of the real estate industry on Coronado, and as stated in its mission statement, “promotes positive relationships between property owners and local real estate professionals”.

CREA annually awards a graduating Coronado High School senior a scholarship.  In the fall they host an annual Pet Parade and Chili Cook-off, which benefts PAWS of Coronado.

There are three different types of memberships, including primary members, associate members, and honorary members.  For membership information click here.

Website:  Coronado Real Estate Association

Facebook page:  Click here.

email:  [email protected]

Phone:  619-435-8080

Chances for Children

Chances for Children’s mission is “to provide assistance to children in need.”  They sponsor a toy drive each Christmas for the children of Father Joe’s Villages.  They also sponsor children in Silver Strand Elementary’s music program, and provide monetary support for Silver Strand’s Operation Pals.

Website:  No website was found, but click here for a story by The Coronado Times staff writer Lamarshell Karnas.

For membership inquiries email Molly Korson using the link below.

Facebook page:  No Facebook page was found for Chances for Children.

email: [email protected]

Phone:  Molly Korson at 619-808-6610

Coronado Roundtable

The Coronado Roundtable is a group of retired and semi-retired men and women who meet once a month to discuss current events and popular subjects. Established in 1983, the Coronado Roundtable meets at the Winn Room at the Coronado Public Library on the fourth Friday of the month at 9:45 am. Each meeting features a guest speaker who’s been invited to speak about a specific topic of interest to the group. Coffee is served the first fifteen minutes of the meeting with the guest lecture starting at 10:00 am.

Website:  No website found.

Facebook page:  Click here.

email: [email protected]

Phone: Mike Napolitano 619-435-0135

Coronado Hospital Foundation

The Coronado Hospital Foundation “enhances the current and future health care needs of Coronado residents, visitors and the surrounding community by supporting programs, services and equipment at Sharp Coronado Hospital.” The foundation holds an annual gala in May and an annual golf tournament in September.

According to its website the “Payne Family Outpatient Pavilion will house private pre-operative and post-operative rooms, two new operating rooms, an endoscopy suite, and an imaging and women’s services suite to include personalized mammography, DEXA scans, imaging and ultrasound services.  The Payne Family Outpatient Pavilion is the final beneficiary of the matching funds from the City of Coronado. Each dollar invested will be matched with two additional dollars.”

Website:  Coronado Hospital Foundation

Facebook page:  No Facebook page was found for the Coronado Hospital Foundation.

email:  Click here.

Phone:  619-522-3703

PAWS (Pacific Animal Welfare Society of Coronado)

Founded in 2003 by Louise Shirey, PAWS of Coronado is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, tax exempt animal welfare organization.  The following are the collective mission of PAWS of Coronado:

  • Provide adoption services to the animals in the Coronado Animal Care Facility.
  • Provide educational services to the community regarding animal welfare, care and adoption.
  • Encourage and facilitate the spaying and neutering of all family pets.

The vision of PAWS of Coronado is “a world where every lost, stray and abandoned animal is able to find its forever home.”

According to its website “volunteers are the driving force behind the organization.  Those interested in volunteering should attend a brief introductory session at the Coronado Animal Care Facility where applications can be completed and information about current volunteer opportunities will be shared.”  Volunteer opportunities include walking dogs and fostering pets.

Website:  PAWS of Coronado

Facebook page:  Click here.

email: [email protected]

Phone:  Call 619-435-8247 for more information about PAWS of Coronado.

Coronado CARES

(Community Animal Rescue & Education Society)

The mission statement of Coronado CARES is ” to promote animal welfare, to provide resources for proper animal care and to reduce the number of homeless animals.”  CARES, which was founded in 2012, is an all volunteer non-profit organization.  According to its website Coronado CARES “saw a need to help with the number of feral cats in our community, thereby implementing a Trap-Neuter-Return Program (TNR). In addition to the TNR Program, CARES provides a Kitten Socialization Program for abandoned kittens currently awaiting their furrever homes.  CARES takes every opportunity to educate the community of the plight of feral cats and homeless pets, of the necessity for proper animal care and of the importance of spaying/neutering and micro chipping pets.”

For a volunteer application, click here.

Website: Coronado CARES

Facebook page:  Click here.

email: [email protected]

Phone:  Call 619-365-5337 for more information about Coronado CARES

*VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars)

According to the national VFW website the VFW’s mission is as follows:  “To foster camaraderie among United States veterans of overseas conflicts. To serve our veterans, the military and our communities. To advocate on behalf of all veterans.”   Its vision is to “Ensure that veterans are respected for their service, always receive their earned entitlements, and are recognized for the sacrifices they and their loved ones have made on behalf of this great country.”

VFW Post 2422 is a veterans organization located at 557 Orange Avenue in Coronado.  The VFW is for veterans who meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • have received a campaign medal for overseas service
  • have served 30 consecutive or 60 non-consecutive days in Korea
  • have ever received hostile fire or imminent danger pay

Members may choose to pay an annual membership of $45 per year or may choose to pay a one-time lump sum for a lifetime membership, which is based on age.  For more membership details click here.

Active duty service members are always welcome.

Website:  VFW Post 2422

Facebook page:  Click here.

email:  [email protected]

Phone:  Call 619-435-6917 for more information about VFW Post 2422.




Coree Cornelius
Coree Cornelius
Resident, Educator, Military Spouse, and Mother."I haven't been everywhere, but it's on my list." - Susan Sontag.Have news to share? Send tips, story ideas or letters to the editor to: [email protected]

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