Tuesday, March 25, 2025

CHS Senior Standout: Sarah Smith

Senior Sarah Smith began her Coronado story in the winter of 2013 when, like many other CHS students, her father got military orders to relocate here.

Sarah’s experience at Coronado High School has been “awesome,” especially since prior to enrolling in CHS she had been home schooled. The second half of her junior year was her first time attending public school. Sarah’s favorite moments at CHS have been associated with choir. “That class is so close and we’re all like a family and we have so much fun.” Her favorite teacher is Mrs. Bice because she has challenged her and is also very understanding of the fact that Sarah is new to the “whole going to school thing” and how different the English curriculum is to what she was used to while being home schooled. Sarah says about Mrs. Bice, “I know she is confident in my abilities and that really encourages me and makes me excited for class everyday.” Looking forward to the next few months Sarah is most excited about prom because she has never been before and it will be one of the first big dances she has attended.

Next fall, Sarah will attend Liberty University in Southern Virginia. She chose Liberty University because she misses living in Virginia, where she lived prior to Coronado, and because being close to Washington D.C will give her ample opportunities connected to her planned major. Sarah intends to double major in homeland security and strategic intelligence. In 10 years, Sarah hopes to be involved in the counterterrorism department of the CIA.

One thing not many people know about Sarah is, “that being there for people and having meaningful relationships with them is something that brings me the greatest joy and there is nothing I love more than spending time with people I love.”

Meet more CHS Senior Standouts here.


Mackenzie Wiley



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