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Monthly Archives: January, 2014
Whale Watching January 2014
My photo taken on a Hornblower Whale Watching trip, San Diego, January 25, 2014. The whales passed right by this sailboat.
Whale Watching January 2014
My photo taken on a Hornblower Whale Watching trip, San Diego, January 25, 2014. Whales traveling together to Mexico.
Whale Watching January 2014
My photo taken on a Hornblower Whale Watching trip, San Diego, January 25, 2014.
Whale Watching January 2014
Chuck's photo taken on a Hornblower Whale Watching trip, San Diego, January 25, 2014. At least three whales in this photo.
Whale Watching January 2014
Chuck's photo taken on a Hornblower Whale Watching trip, San Diego, January 25, 2014. Note the hole in his fin. I think this is...
Whale Watching January 2014
Chuck's photo taken on a Hornblower Whale Watching trip, San Diego, January 25, 2014.
Coronado CAN!: City of Coronado Council Meeting Report: Jan. 21st, 2014
Highlights of the Meeting: Two police officers were commended for two separate life saving actions; Proclamation of Coronado...
School District Tackles a Serious Budget Crisis
At his sixth annual State of the District address Superintendent Jeffrey Felix proposed asking votes to support a bond measure to fund local...