Monday, March 10, 2025

Coronado Scribes Poetry and Prose Weekly Feature: Dinner with D’Angelo by Jerry Greenspan

We, the Coronado Scribes, consist of both professional and amateur writers. We have in common a desire to learn, by sharing our efforts and listening to other writers. We hold pressure-less sessions every Wednesday, at the Coronado Library conference room, starting at 1:30. Often we have guests who wish to just listen. They are welcome, and so are you.

Each week on eCoronado, we feature a different piece of prose or poetry produced by one of our writers. Please feel free to comment or ask questions in the comment section below.

Dinner with D’Angelo

The effervescent 10 year-old,

Had much to share with this senior citizen.

It seems his little sister, Yasmene, can be a problem.

D’Angelo is occasionally exasperated with her crying.

But, the big news was his team’s basketball victory.

They crushed the other guys 22 to 2.

He modestly conceded playing pretty good ball.

Next, was his revelation that he was really fast,

The fastest runner in his grade!

Not to be outdone, I spoke of my heroics.

Like being the fastest guy in my school.

I then challenged the punk to a reflex contest.

My hands facing up, his palms on top of mine.

Could he escape before I tagged the back of his hand(s)?

Hah! I destroyed the upstart.

Our dinner conversation lasted over an hour.

I’m not sure, but we may have hugged before we parted,

And agreed to meet again.

Jerry Greenspan@1213


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