The Coronado Training Center is currently having a Holiday Food Drive at the center benefiting the San Diego Food Bank. PLEASE bring any donations to CTC conveniently located at 126 B Ave in the Albertson’s parking lot upstairs!
Food raised from the Holiday Food Drive will be distributed to families, including over 137,000 CHILDREN!
The food bank’s most needed food items are:
- Canned meat & tuna
- Canned soups
- Canned fruits and vegetables
- Peanut butter/Nuts
- Canned beans
- Spaghetti/pasta
- Dry cereal
- Rice
- Mac & cheese
- Baby Formula
- Powdered Milk
*** Important note: The food bank cannot accept homemade foods, perishable items or items in glass jars due to food safety regulations.
Thank You Coronado from the Coronado Training Center!