Sunday, March 9, 2025

Pennies for Peace – Coronado Empties Their Piggy Banks to Promote Literacy in Afghanistan

If you haven’t read Three Cups of Tea (, you need to read it. Ms. Amy Steward, Village Elementary School’s fifth grade teacher read it and then had her class read it. Voila, it was the seed for the fifth grade’s project. Now Amy is taking her name to a higher level (steward-ship)!! The class’s goal to raise Pennies For Peace is $15,000 and the Coronado community is rallying to the cause. This week, I was browsing the shops in MIGUEL’S side courtyard and walked into a cute shop called SATCHEL. Immediately I saw a plastic bucket with PENNIES FOR PEACE on it. I so believe in this cause and the benefits, awareness and connection it fosters for both our children and those in Afghanistan is amazing. I challenge Coronado to empty your piggy banks or penny jars. I saw the bucket and went home, got my penny jar, added a few bills and returned to the plastic bucket! It felt so good. By the way, Ghada, owner of Satchel, kindly agreed to place the bucket in front of her store for her young neighbor, Alora, one of the fifth graders. . . . . another example of Coronado’s community spirit. If you see a PENNIES FOR PEACE plastic jar anywhere in Coronado, stop and make your donation to promote literacy and peace! And if you have time, read Three Cups of Tea or about its author, Greg Mortensen. Kudos to Amy Steward for her leadership and promotion of Pennies for Peace.


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