Monday, March 10, 2025

QT # 4: Santa and Gifts

What a conversation I had about Christmas; Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas, teaching your kids about the real world or holding on to that excitement of belief. What do you do when your child comes to you and says “I know Santa isn’t real, he’s not a real person”? Slowly watch the excitement fade from their eyes? Realize that you child is no longer so innocent? Heck no. It’s now time to teach them about being Santa and what Christmas is about. Christmas is meant to represent the birth of Jesus. Who bestowed such great moral teachings that they have been passed down for 2000 years. (I wish someone would remember what I said 5-minutes ago). The gift giving comes from the 3 wise men who brought gifts, showing us for the 1st time the importance of giving vs receiving. I’m sure we have all been beat on the head about the importance of giving vs receiving. But if you want to truely experience it for the first time, watch your child. Have them pick out an ornament from the Christmas tree at church, coffee shop, work, community center, etc. This will get them thinking in a whole new way and provide them with ownership of this task. Now, take them to get the gift, pay for it (allowance, mistery $10 found in the coach) and wrap it. It’s amazing the transformation that can take place upon wrapping a gift. Then, have the child drop it off. One of the great benefits of this process is that it takes more than 30-minutes. Allowing you to enjoy the Christmas season with your own gift from God. Merry Christmas Tom


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