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Ken Ludwig's "Baskerville, A Sherlock Holmes Mystery" is back for one week, January 3-8, 2023. Visit Lamb's Players Theatre website or visit the box office for more information or to purchase tickets.
This course will feature poems, both historic and contemporary, which enjoy iconic status. These poems, as well as their authors, are acknowledged as widely recognized and admired as having exceptional influence. All class members are encouraged to contribute their ideas and perceptions of the poems, enriching the discussions for everyone in attendance. Chuck Kamar received […]
Coronado Public Library, in partnership with the Coronado Island Film Festival, presents FILM FORUM CORONADO, taking place the first and third Wednesday of each month at 6:00 pm in the library's Winn Room. Film expert Ralph DeLauro provides a brief introduction to each film and leads a discussion afterwards, often including pointers about how lighting […]
Ken Ludwig's "Baskerville, A Sherlock Holmes Mystery" is back for one week, January 3-8, 2023. Visit Lamb's Players Theatre website or visit the box office for more information or to purchase tickets.
Ken Ludwig's "Baskerville, A Sherlock Holmes Mystery" is back for one week, January 3-8, 2023. Visit Lamb's Players Theatre website or visit the box office for more information or to purchase tickets.
The City of Coronado will break ground on a new pump station on January 6, 2023 at 10 am. The Project will construct a new $26 million wastewater and stormwater pump station to improve operational efficiency, prevent flooding in homes and pollution to the ocean, and increase resiliency to sea level rise. The project will […]