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Join Emerald Keepers on Saturday, February 8 from 10 am to 12 noon to support the Navy’s cleanup of Delta Beach.
Delta Beach, on the bay side of Coronado’s Naval Amphibious Base, is located 2.7 miles south of the Hotel Del. Look for the large Emerald Keepers sign by a gate in the fence. Volunteers can park at the Fiddler’s Cove parking lot at the south end of Delta Beach, or parking will also be available on the sand inside the gated entrance to Delta Beach.
Recruit your friends and neighbors as there is a large beach area to clean up. Registration is not required. Bring a reusable water bottle to stay hydrated and, a picker and bucket if you have them. Emerald Keepers will have some gloves, buckets, and pickers available for volunteers.
On the bay side of Coronado’s Naval Amphibious Base, Delta Beach is not usually open to the public or Navy activity as it is was recently designated a critical habitat for the Least Tern and Snowy Plover birds. As a result, the large amount of trash that washes ashore is not accessible for most beach cleanups and accumulates throughout the year.